No matter how long you have been playing, there is always room for improvement in the game of chess. That can be done with the help of various Chess Tips available. When you are playing the game with the right techniques, and knowledge of the game. You not only improve the game but also make it fun!
You may find 100's of articles on how to improve the game. But there is never one thing, which leads to the same. There is a series of things, which one should be following in order to be an expert at the game.
We here at Paramount Dealz, understand the importance of knowing such tips. And thus, we are bringing to you a concise list. One which is actually easy to follow!
One of the best Chess Tips, somebody can give you is to KNOW THE RULES. Players think that the rules are just general, and are only in regard to the moves of the pieces. But as you try and understand the game, you realize that there are different rules. These are then based on different scenarios. It is always a good idea to preview the movements of the pieces. And also to keep an eye on the special rules of the game in mind.

"The more you practise, the better you become"
We have often heard this phrase but use it very seldom. Whenever we practice such games, we become more aware of what is happening. And how different players can directly or indirectly give us Chess Tips. The other player, might know some of the answers that you don't. And vice versa. Thus, it helps both the players! It is essential that you grab every opportunity there is to practice and improve your skills.
When you change the competition, you play against a variety of people. This not only keeps you on your toes. But also helps you improve your game further.
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Reviewing your game is the most essential part of practicing and playing chess every day. Simply playing more and more games is hardly worth the time and effort you are putting in. Reviewing the games throws up many mistakes that you made throughout the game. And helps you understand the opportunities you grabbed or missed. And how you could have done better with them. It also gives you the chance to experience that situation again. While seeing if you can come up with a better way to play or another move that could have gotten you a better result.
Thus, it is a good idea to make a video record of each game you play so that you are able to learn better.

Chess puzzles are bite-sized problems of chess that are just waiting to be resolved. You are given certain game situations that compel you to think. And further, make a move to win. They simulate the game of chess. But basically fast forward the game to the part where one move can decide whether you win or lose. This is what makes these puzzles interesting!
You can play the puzzles online at- https://www.chess.com/play/computer
A very common mistake made by lots of players in the game of chess is wasting time working tediously on memorizing the sequence of the moves, commonly referred to as the ‘opening’. The problem, however, is that the probability that such openings play your specific lines is very slim. Thus, it is a good idea to just keep the basic learning principles in mind and go along with the flow. Rather than stressing upon memorizing the openings.

Making bad moves is the sure-fire way to lose in the game of chess. Thus, no matter your level of experience, it is a good idea to double-check your moves before you make them. Each time you decide on a move, make sure that you check it to ensure that you are not giving away any pieces. Which you may otherwise be able to save and that your king is safe.
To get better at the game, there is no alternative to practicing. Whilst keeping in mind the small tricks and tips that will help you achieve a masterstroke!
Do you have some other tips, that helped you in improving the game? We would love to hear about them! Do let us know! As we all know, that sharing helps in improving knowledge!